There will be extra police officers patrolling the streets and highways of Riverside this Cinco de Mayo weekend. Authorities will be on the lookout for drunken drivers all throughout Riverside

County desert cities, Hemet, Perris and Beaumont. However, expect local law enforcement in most cities to increase the number of police officers and DUI checkpoints to reduce the amount of drunken drivers.
A specific patrol force will be assigned to be on the lookout for drivers under the influence. From 2007 to 2011 at least 38 percent of all motor vehicle fatalities that occurred each year around May 5 involved impaired drivers or motorcycle operators, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
Drinking and driving is a serious issue. It accounts for a laundry list of accidents, injuries, damages and deaths. If you consume an alcoholic beverage, have a plan to get home after the party. Designate a driver or hire a cab to get you to a safe resting place like your hotel room or home after drinking.
Drivers who violate drinking and driving laws can face jail time, the loss of their driver’s license and can accumulate up to $10,000 in fees and fines, plus more expensive insurance rates. Having to encounter these unexpected expenses can put a damper in your bank account and personal life. It only gets worse if you get into an accident and injure yourself and others.
Safety experts constantly advocate that people don’t drink and drive. They advocate this because it can lead to car accidents and property damage. At the end of the day, all costs associated with the decision to drink and drive are not worth the risk. Drinking and driving can tear families apart and cause dire financial hardships in others.
Having a drinking and driving violation in your personal driving record might cause you to lose your job or throw you out of the race for a potential one. It is not worth putting your career at risk for a night of drinking and driving. If you do decide to drink give a friend a call or hire a cab to drive you home.
If you were injured in a car accident, contact AA Accident Attorneys, you may be entitled to compensation that can cover medical costs, loss of income and a change in lifestyle. A Riverside car accident lawyer can listen to your case for free.

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