A man was killed after losing control of his vehicle and tumbling down an embankment early Sunday morning in East Los Angeles.
According to accident reports and Los Angeles County Department of Coroner Investigator Kelsie Weber, 26 year old Francisco Garcia-Mendoza of El Monte was driving on the connector road between the northbound 710 Freeway to the eastbound 60 at about 3:50 a.m. in a 1994 Acura when he suddenly lost control.
“For unknown reasons, the driver veered to the left causing the Acura to collide with the raised concrete hub,” said officials from the California Highway Patrol. After leaving the highway, the car then fell down an embankment, rolling as it went, crossed over all eastbound lanes of the 60 Freeway and came to rest in the center divider.
Though he was properly fastened at the time of the crash, Garcia-Mendoza was thrown from the vehicle and came to rest in the active lanes of the freeway. He was pronounced dead at the scene by responding officers and paramedics. No one else was hurt in the crash.
Despite crashing through active lanes, the tumbling Acura made it through unscathed, avoiding any potential collisions with oncoming cars.
At this time there is little information as to what caused the vehicle to lose control. It is unclear if drugs, alcohol, or high speeds were factors in the crash. An investigation is currently underway by the East Los Angeles office of the CHP.
Even in the early morning hours when traffic is light, it is important to obey posted speed limits and drive in a safe manner, lest an out of control accident such as this take place. At freeway speeds, only a momentary lapse in judgment or mistake can create a serious accident that endangers your life and those of other drivers around you needlessly.
If you or someone you know has been hurt in a crash with an out of control driver, you should seek help. Depending on the circumstances that led to your accident, you may be entitled to compensation to help pay for your recovery. Through the help of a highly trained Los Angeles car accident lawyer, you can earn the justice you need to get back on your feet quickly.
At AA Accident Attorneys, we will guide you through the legal process and set you onto the road to recovery. Our team of experienced legal professionals can explain your options and assemble the strongest case to win you the results you need. As always, we will charge you nothing for our services until your case is completed. Call us today for a free evaluation and to learn what our accident lawyers can do for you!

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