A single vehicle rollover accident killed one and injured six others, including four seriously, Wednesday night in Corcoran.
According to accident reports, the rollover took place at around 10:20 p.m. on Santa Fe Avenue, south of Oregon Avenue just outside the Corcoran city limits near Salyer Farms airport, where a 2001 Kia Spectra being piloted by a 17 year old boy drifted off the road and rolled several times before finally coming to a stop upside down on nearby train tracks.
17 year old Edwardo Garcia of Corcoran was killed in the crash, and three girls aged 16 and 17 were seriously injured. The driver and another 15 year old boy were also injured, though less severely. Everyone involved in the crash was taken to Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno for treatment.
Initial reports indicate that four of the car’s occupants were thrown from the vehicle during the crash, as they were not wearing seatbelts. A more thorough investigation into the full cause of the accident is underway, as it is unclear why their vehicle drifted off the road.
Five of the six involved are students at Corcoran High School, where Principal Chuck Gent was busy gathering information about the crash and preparing to help classmates deal with the tragedy. “Anything like this has a big impact on a small town,” said Gent. “We’ll try to dispel any incorrect rumors.” He also announced that counseling sessions would be organized for any students troubled by the news.
Amongst residents of the town, the accident was the only topic of discussion. “It’s a small town,” says Val Zepeda, owner of a local market. “Everyone communicates.”
“I went to school with all of them, said Kimberly Pastor, who graduated from Corcoran High last June. “Everyone’s in shock. I wasn’t best friends with them, but it’s hard.”
If you or someone you know has been hurt in a crash such as this, you may be entitled to compensation from those at fault, depending on the circumstances that led to the ordeal. With an experienced Fresno car accident lawyer guiding you through the complicated legal process, you can recover the full amount that you are legally owed.
At AA Accident Attorneys, we can get you what you need to start your road to recovery. If cost is a concern, rest assured, as we will not charge you a thing for our services until your case is won. Call us today for a free evaluation and to learn about what our accident lawyers can do for you!

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