Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer
Paul E. Lee has experience in handling Nursing Home Abuse cases.
If you or someone you know has been affected in the state of by Nursing Home
The number of elderly in our population continues to increase, so does the number of nursing home and assisted living facilities. While long term care facilities play a necessary role in our society, they are businesses. The industry has been plagued by mismanagement, corruption and fraud. Due to the fact that they are assured clients and they are assured payment.
Federal and State governments, however, have passed laws to insure that nursing home residents receive the care, treatment and quality of life to which they are entitled. How do you know when a nursing home is violating the rights of a resident in its care? While laws regulating the standard of care may vary state to state, almost every state recognizes certain injuries to be indications of negligence, violating the rights of and causing harm to the resident.
There are six main categories of abuse and/ or neglect related injuries;
- Restraint injuries
- Falls and fractures
- Exposure to the elements
- Physical abuse and assault
- Decubitus ulcers (pressure sores)
- Severe dehydration and malnutrition
At AA-Accident Attorneys, P.L.C. we strive to assist the victims of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect to protect themselves and their family from physical and financial harm. We will also take steps to ensure others do not suffer similar harm at the hands of the wrongdoer.
AA-Accident Attorneys, PLC legal professionals are experienced in handling nursing home abuse or neglect cases inside the state of California, with offices located in Southern in Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Kern, San Luis Obispo, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego counties…and in Northern in Alameda, Marin, Placer, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties, as well as Nevada and Las Vegas.
If your case involves the Federal courts, AA-Accident Attorneys, PLC has handled many personal injury cases that involved Federal court rulings for defective products and dangerous drugs. Call us today at 800.260.2577.
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