Work-Related Injury Lawyer
Paul E. Lee has experience in handling Work-Related Injury cases. If you or someone you know has been affected in the state of by a Work-Related Injury, we can help.
Any injury occurring while engaged in the course and scope of duties imposed upon an employee is considered a work-related injury. Even if an injury occurs while away from the employer’s work site, if an employee becomes injured while engaged in work duties, the injury or occupational disease may be covered by Workers’ Compensation laws, tort law or both.
State Workers’ Compensation laws provide benefits to workers and their dependents when they have suffered injury or death arising out during the course and scope of their work. Benefits vary from state to state, but most include medical benefits, weekly or biweekly income, vocational rehabilitation, permanent disability compensation and death benefits.
If the work-related injury occurs without negligence on the employer’s part, many times the injured employee recovery is limited to Worker’s Compensation benefits. However, careful analysis of the cause of the injury is always warranted to make certain areas of responsibility and recovery are not overlooked.
In cases where an employee has sustained injury while working caused by someone other than the employer, the injured employee may be entitled to recovery against the negligent person in addition to benefits provided under Worker’s Compensation laws.
For example, if injured in an auto accident while driving for work, an employee can pursue both Worker’s Compensation benefits as well as damages against the party causing the accident.
Every on-the-job injury should be evaluated to determine if a third party claim exists.
AA-Accident Attorneys, PLC legal professionals are experienced in handling work related injury cases inside the state of California, with offices located in Southern in Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Kern, San Luis Obispo, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego counties…and in Northern in Alameda, Marin, Placer, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties, as well as Nevada and Las Vegas.
If your case involves the Federal courts, AA-Accident Attorneys, PLC has handled many personal injury cases that involved Federal court rulings for defective products and dangerous drugs. Call us today at 800.260.2577.
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