Los Angeles County arrested 685 people over the Fourth of July weekend. The county will also be holding a DUI Campaign that will run for 18 days between August and Labor Day weekend. The goal is to stop as many drunk drivers as possible during the dangerous summer months. Fourth of July weekend is also the most dangerous weekend on the road.

In 2013, Los Angeles County police arrested 43% more people on DUIs than in 2012. In 2012, between midnight on Thursday and midnight on Saturday, 343 people were arrested for DUI, and in 2013, 490 people were arrested. Between midnight on Thursday and midnight on Sunday, 685 people were arrested in Los Angeles County on DUI in 2013, and 503 were arrested in 2012. Overall, this year 1,559 people were arrested for DUI across the state of California during Fourth of July weekend.

According to the California Highway Patrol, 56 fatalities occurred on the road across the state of California during the holiday weekend and 16 people were killed in traffic accidents in Los Angeles County. California conducted the most checkpoints for DUIs in the United States. The California Office of Traffic Safety has reported that fatalities caused by DUIs are low right now.

In hopes of keeping fatalities low, law enforcement will be cracking down on DUIs this summer to prevent further loss of life. The Los Angeles County Sheriff Department stated in a press release that, “In recognition that the summer season is among the deadliest time of the year, law enforcement agencies throughout the county will be making every effort to arrest drunk drivers before another life is lost.”

In one case of fatalities caused by drunk driving over the weekend, Eunice Ackerman and Carl Ackerman were killed on their morning walk on Sunday in the San Diego neighborhood of Valley Center. Their neighbors said they saw them walking hand-in-hand every day. The 78-year-old and 79-year-old married couple was hit by 20-year-old Earl Smith, Jr., a navy sailor, who was driving his 2011 Toyota Corolla while intoxicated.

Smith claimed he was looking at the GPS on his cell phone when he drifted on Old Castel Road and hit the couple. It was later shown that his blood-alcohol content was 0.12 percent (above the 0.08 legal limit in California). Smith was drinking in Fallbrook Saturday night and was lost coming back from a house party. He faces 15 years in jail on charges of vehicular manslaughter and DUI.

If you or someone you know has been the victim of a traffic accident caused by a drunk driver, do not hesitate to seek legal representation in order to protect your legal rights. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you obtain the compensation you deserve for your injuries, wages lost from time spent away from your job or for expensive medical bills.

Call AA Accident Attorneys today for a free evaluation of your case. Our legal team is experienced, knowledgeable and will not charge you until your case is won. We will fight for your rights and provide high-quality legal representation. We understand the stressful time you are going through and are available to help you navigate the legal process.